Buffer Management
DBMIN (Chou & DeWitt)
Theme: There are just a few basic access patterns in a query processing system. Make
straightforward observations about locality behavior of these access patterns, and expose
them to your buffer manager.
Old Stuff:
- Background: blocks, frames, pages, "pinning"
- Stochastic OS replacement policies: LRU, MRU, FIFO, LIFO, Clock, etc. None is uniformly
appropriate for typical DBMS access patterns (see Stonebrakers "OS Dump").
- Domain Separation: Split up work/memory into categories, and do LRU within your
category. If there are no pages in your chunk of memory, borrow from somewhere else.
Example domains: a non-leaf level of a B+-tree. 8-10% improvement over global LRU(?)
- domains are static
- pages belong to partitions regardless of how theyre being used (e.g. no
distinction between heap file page for sequential scan and for nested loop)
- does not prevent over-utilization of memory by multiple users, since theres no
notion of "users" or "processes"
- needs an orthogonal load-control facility
- Group LRU: Like DS, but prioritize domains. Free buffers are stolen in order of priority
(low à high)
- optimization: adjust sizes of domains using a "working-set" judgment (i.e.
pages in last Ti refs are kept for domain i)
- Effelsberg & Haerder: no convincing evidence that any of this works better than LRU
or Clock.
- The "New" Algorithm: Modification of INGRES.
- Two observations:
- priority not a property of a page, but of a relation
- each relation needs a working set
- Note: this is a query-based intuition! Anticipates DBMIN.
- Subdivide memory into a chunk per relation, and prioritize chunks.
- Assign an empty resident set per relation.
- Use MRU per relation, but each relation gets one buffer at all times.
- Heuristics available to reprioritize chunks.
- Simulation study looked good, but implementation in INGRES didnt beat LRU.
- Hot Set
- Also uses query-based info
- A set of pages which are accessed over and over form a "hot set".
- If you graph buffer size against # of page faults, you see "hot points".
- If your hot set fits in memory, you win! Otherwise you lose.
- Example: NL-join, the hot set is |inner| + 1
- Dont let a query into the system unless its hot set fits in memory. Each query is
given its hot set worth of buffers.
- The idea assumes LRU is going on. But MRU is better for looping access, and makes the
"hot point" go away
- Using LRU over-allocates (i.e. under-utilizes) memory, since the "hot point"
analysis can be fixed with MRU.
Based on the Query Locality Set Model (QLSM), which characterizes DBMS reference
patterns in 3 ways:
- Sequential: Straight Sequential (SS) & Clustered Sequential (CS)
- Random: Independent Random (IR) and Clustered Random (CR)
- Hierarchical: Straight Hierarchical (SH), Hierarchical with Straight Sequential (H/SS),
Hierarchical with Clustered Sequential (H/CS), Looping Hierarchical (LH)
Questions: which query processing operators correspond to each category? Do the
categories cover all the operators?
The DBMIN Algorithm:
- associate a chunk of memory with each "file instance" (more like each table in
the FROM clause). This is called the file instances locality set.
- estimate max locality set sizes via looking at query plan & database stats. A query
is allowed to run if the sum of its locality sets fits in free buffers.
- a global page table and global free list is kept in addition to locality sets
- on page request
- if page in global table & the locality set, just update usage stats of page
- else if page in memory but not in LocSet, grab page, and if not in another LocSet put it
in our LocSet
- else read page into LocSet (using a page from global free list)
- If locality set gets bigger than max needed, choose a page to toss according to a
LocSet-specific policy (to be discussed next)
Locality Set size & replacement policies for different reference patterns:
- SS: LocSet size = 1. Replace that page as soon as needed.
- CS: LocSet size = (#tuples in largest cluster)/(# of tuples per page). FIFO or LRU
replacement work.
- LS: LocSet size = size of relation. MRU is best.
- IR: odds of revisit are low, so LocSet either 1, or the magic number b from the
"Yao" formula. Residual value r = (k - b)/b of a page can be used to
choose between 1 and b (i.e. k is number of accesses, b is # of
pages that will be referenced, so this is # of revisits over # of pages). Replacement
- CR: Just like CS, but pages are not packed onto blocks. So its just # of tuples in
largest cluster.
- SH, H/SS: like SS
- H/CS: like CS, but replace tuples with (key,ptr) pairs
- LH: at each level h of an index, you have random access among pages. Use Yao to figure
out how many pages youll access at each level in k lookups. LocSet is sum
of these over all levels that you choose to worry about (maybe only the root!) LIFO with a
few (4-5) buffers probably an OK replacement strategy.
A Detailed Simulation Study (Welcome to Wisconsin!)
- trace-based & distribution-based: traces used to model individual queries, but
workload synthesized based on different distributions. Traces done on a popular benchmark
database (from the Wisconsin Benchmark). Queries of 1 and 2 tables.
- simulator models CPU, one I/O device, and RAM access. Simulation tuned to
micro-benchmark of WiSS. Performance metric is query throughput.
- 3 levels of sharing modeled: full, half, and no sharing
- Disk arm was jostled around randomly.
- Memory set big enough to hold about 8 concurrent working sets.
- statistical confidence intervals on validity of results guarantee things within 5% of
the mean (how often do you see that in CS performance studies these days?! Why not?)
- comparison of RAND, FIFO, CLOCK, HOT, Working Set, DBMIN
- Bottom line:
- as expected, DBMIN is the top line on every graph
- Stochastic techniques are no good, though feedback-based load control helps
- Later work on such load control shows it's VERY tricky in mixed workloads.
- WS not a big winner either, though a popular OS choice
- DBMIN beats HOT by 7-13% more throughput
Later work: LRU-K, by O'Neil & O'Neil.